

Online Degree Accessibility

Anaheim University subscribes to the theory of Lernfreiheit, the freedom to learn for all, regardless of circumstances. The University is currently conducting research into how the University’s website can be improved for those who are either visually or hearing impaired, or for other students who may require assistive technology in order to enhance their learning experience. Residential on-campus sessions are held in buildings equipped with handicapped facilities.
Committed to meeting the educational needs of a diverse and global student body of mature professionals through academic programs of the highest quality and in line with our student-centered philosophy, Anaheim University seeks to make higher education accessible to qualified students worldwide through both online and on-campus study.
Anaheim University is using adaptive technologies to allow visitors to access Anaheim University website content. These technologies include a screen reader that allows people to make the letters on the page larger or smaller, change the screen color and contrast, and reads aloud the text on the screen. Full support for access keys is available, so that users can control reading using a keyboard following WCAG specifications. By using accesskeys, users can control both the screen reader and font size buttons.Anaheim University’s website is currently under construction and is being developed to include the following features for making Web content more accessible according to WCAG 2.0 (Section 508).

  • Page navigation by keyboard – users don’t need to use a computer mouse to navigate through the relevant sections of the website. A keyboard will be enough.
  • Skipping to the next Menu items is possible with the Tab key, so users can can quickly move through the page
  • Avoidance of animated elements (for people suffering from epilepsy), stable graphics, and no garish animated effects
  • Understandable links – the description of a link clearly indicates what it refers to
  • High contrast mode: ensures optimal readability of the text ( Black/White Mode, Black/Yellow Mode, Yellow/Black Mode)
  • Night mode – lets users avoid eyestrain
  • Width switcher (fixed/fluid) adjusts the width of the screen to fit the user’s needs
  • Font size switcher (3 degrees of font size, which are fixed as a percentage)
  • A screen reader that reads aloud the text either of the entire page or selected portions of the page

Using universal design concepts in the university’s website design will make the website accessible not only to people with disabilities, but to all visitors to the website, including those on mobile devices and those visiting with graphics turned off. In addition, this provides enhanced cross-browser compatibility. Simple, straight-forward language is used as much as possible on the website to assist visitors who do not speak English as their first language, and visitors with cognitive disabilities.

It should be noted that although Anaheim University strives to provide these services, due to our global presence and the diversity of the visitors to this site, we have little control over what types of devices are accessing the site and we cannot ensure that every browser is compatible with the technologies incorporated into the university’s site. In addition, our site goes through regular maintenance updates to maintain the site and fix glitches. During these updates, certain services may be temporarily unavailable. Anaheim University’s website has a significant amount of content and information and although our tech team and online services department work had to provide reliable service, from time to time technical issues and programming issues or human error may occur, resulting in inconvenience for site users. We apologize in advance if any inconvenience should occur and urge you to contact our offices immediately so that we can find an alternative way for you to obtain the necessary information in a timely manner.

Our Student Services staff are available to accommodate visitors and students with disabilities and special needs by providing material on this website in alternative formats upon request. These accommodations include:

  • Providing text-only versions of any catalog, form, document or content from our website, so that the information can then be accessed through screen reading software or so that the font size, color, etc. of the text can be modified to the user’s needs
  • Providing written transcripts of videos on the university’s website
  • Calling visitors by telephone or Skype to read any given section of the university’s website, forms, or documents

Requests can be made by:

  • E-mail to
  • Chatting with a live advisor
  • Scheduling an appointment with an advisor in-person, by telephone or by Skype

Click here to chat with a live advisor or to schedule an appointment with an advisor

We welcome your comments in regards to the effectiveness of this new screen reader that has been implemented. In addition, we are currently in the process of captioning our videos and updating the coding of our website in an effort to increase accessibility and meet ADA accommodations.

It is our goal to make your educational experience pleasant and comfortable. We would like to ask for the support of the members of our global learning community and of visitors to this site in helping us to find ways to make our education even more accessible to people around the world. Any suggestions or comments can be directed to the Office of the President at

Students who believe they have been denied access to Anaheim University’s programs or discriminated against because of a disability can file a grievance by contacting the Office of the President at and CCing If for any reason you do not receive a response please call the University’s administration at 1-800-955-6040 and ask to speak to the Administrative Director.