On March 23, 2010, as a tribute to her beloved daughter, Emmy-Award winning actress and legendary comedian Carol Burnett joined Anaheim University Vice-President of Academic Affairs Dr. David Nunan in Los Angeles for the establishment of the Anaheim University Carrie Hamilton Entertainment Institute.
The Carrie Hamilton Entertainment Institute was established to honor the memory and spirit of Carrie Hamilton, with the hope of inspiring young entertainers to reach for the stars and make the most out of and be grateful for every day, every experience and every opportunity. Carrie Hamilton touched the hearts of many throughout her life, and this institute was created so that her contributions to society and her giving spirit would continue to radiate for generations to come.
Every day, I wake up and decide… Today, I’m going to love my life.” — Carrie Hamilton
Accredited online English Language Teacher education (TESOL), International Business, Sustainable Management, Entrepreneurship and Filmmaking programs at Anaheim University.
A global experience: Gain invaluable insight from leading-edge TESOL, Sustainability, International Business, Entrepreneurship and Filmmaking Professionals.