This program is not currently accepting applications
The steps below are general guidelines for joining a program at Anaheim University. Just complete the following steps and, if approved, become part of Anaheim University's global community within 2 weeks.
![ApplicationStep1](/images/icons/ApplicationStep1.jpg) |
Read thoroughly through the pages of our website and catalog
![ApplicationStep2](/images/icons/ApplicationStep2.jpg) |
Click here to submit your application online
Click here to fill out a pdf version of the application and submit via email.
![ApplicationStep3](/images/icons/ApplicationStep4.jpg) |
The following documents are required for admission:
- Application form
- One recent passport-size color photograph
- Official English language proficiency test score report if you are a non-native English speaker (mail original*)
- Official transcripts.† (mail original*)
- Official transcripts documenting at least one course in each of the following: accounting, finance and economics.†††† (mail original*)
- documenting a minimum of 5 years of work or teaching experience in a relevant area of business††††
- Resume ††
- Brief Statement.††
- Resume documenting a minimum of 4 years experience in some aspect of TESOL (teaching, teacher education or publishing).+++
- An outline (1,000 words) of the possible research that the applicant envisions undertaking for the dissertation that demonstrates his/her research experience and abilities. +++
- Three reference letters (on letterhead with contact information) attesting to personal and professional qualifications. One reference must be from each of the following:+++
- A recent employer. - A TESOL professional who can attest to the applicant’s potential as a doctoral student. - A member of the academic faculty where the applicant completed his/her MA.
†††† DBA Only ††† Ed.D TESOL Only †† MA TESOL or MFA Only † Not applicable to TESOL/TEYL Certificate Programs
*scanned copies are accepted to expedite application process while waiting for originals to arrive in the mail
Documents can be uploaded as part of the online application form, emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or posted in the mail to the address in Step 5. The complete list of Entrance Requirements for each program can be found here.